Magdalena Kopp, born in 1948 in Ulm, was a professional photographer.
In the 1970s she joined the Revolutionäre Zellen (en.: revolutionary cells), shortly after that met Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, alias Carlos, the most wanted terrorist of the time, and became his companion, spending many years with him underground. After completing a long prison sentence in France and after her separation from Carlos, she came back to live in Germany. She had two daughters. Magdalena Kopp died in Frankfurt in 2015 at the age of 67.




Edith Löhle is a German journalist and author. After working for more than ten years mainly for lifestyle magazines, most recently as editor-in-chief of the German Nylon and Blonde, she is now driven by stories that point out social injustices. In doing so, her creative outlets are diverse: in addition to an audio book (the feminist essay Die Rechtschaffen(d)en (the right doers), she wrote the documentary Programmierte Ungerechtigkeit (encoded injustice) for the German public channel ZDF, and was nominated for the German Television Award in 2022. She is also the founder of the granny platform, which advocates for the exchange of two generations of women. Her debut novel Bible Bad Ass was published by Leykam Verlag in March 2024.


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Theresa Lachner is a journalist, a systemic sex therapist, and the founder of the largest German-speaking sex blog, LVSTPRINZIP (pleasure principle), a podcast by the same name, and she is the author of the book LVSTPRINZIP

Lachner has been writing for media outlets such as Business Punk, NEON, Spiegel Online, ZEIT, and several women's magazines. What's more, she is the editor-in-chief of SCHRIFT X. As a systemic sex therapist she is working with personal consultations as well as with couples, and with companies and brands, from health insurance companies to advertising agencies and coffee shops, to foster a more liberated approach to sexuality in society.




Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, born 1966 in Cologne, is a Member of the German Parliament since 2017, and vice chairman of the Free Democratic Party, being responsible for foreign, safety, Europe and development policy.

From 2004 to 2017 he was a Member of the European Parliament, and since 2014 he is the European Parliament's Vice President for Democracy and Human Rights. Before that, he was the Vice Charirman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE) for five years. Lastly, Graf Lambsdorff was a member of the International Trade Committee (INTA) and also a vice member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). What's more, he was a member of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee and the Delegation for relations with Israel. From 2011 to 2017 Graf Lambsdorff was the Chairman of the Free Democrats in the European Parliament. Being a trained diplomat Graf Lambsdorff has been using his expertise heading EU Electoral Observation Missions in Asia and Africa. 




Dominik Lang was born in 1986 and studied Mathematics, Economics and Medicine in Münster and Uppsala, Sweden. He works as a risk manager at a DAX company and is constantly optimizing his financial situation so that he will be able to fulfill his greatest dream: travelling.


3 Tage Woche s color




Felix Longolius was born in 1980. He studied journalism in Hamburg, had a job in the IT-department of a publishing house and would be in a very different place today if he had not been diagnosed with schizophrenia 22 years ago. Very few admit to the illness from which around 51 million people suffer worldwide. Today we know that among other Chopin, Munch and the mathematician and Nobel laureate Nash suffered from the personality disorder. In February 2016 Felix Longolius made his illness public by talking to a large weekly newspaper.


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Judith Langhans was born in 1966 in Cologne and studied journalism, German philology and musicology. She worked for various radio stations, was a lecturer for the Munich school for journalists and subsidiary managing editor at the Axel Springer TV News GmbH (, SAT1 24 stunden and others). As of 2002 she is the subsidiary chief manager in the show department of the I & U TV GmbH Cologne and is responsible for the stations RTL and Vox and for programs like Die ultimative Chartshow, stern TV-Reportage, Typisch Frau, Typisch Mann.


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From 1979 to 2013, Ernst-Dieter Lantermann was a professor of Social and Individual Psychology at the University of Kassel. Visiting professorships led him also to Leipzig, Mannheim, Bern, Zurich and to the Potsdam Institute for the Research of the Climate Impact. Lantermann is the author and editor of numerous articles and professional publications, and for several years now he is researching, together with the sociologist Heinz Bude, about the background and consequences of social exclusion and the emotional culture of distrust in Germany.


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Isabelle Lehn was born in Bonn and lives in Leipzig. She studied in Tübingen and Leicester, graduated in Rhetorics and currently is researching at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig about the education of writers in the GDR. Her stories and essays were honoured several times, recently with the Edit Essay Award and in 2014 with the PROSANOVA Audience Award. Her debut novel Tie two birds was published in July 2016 at Eichborn and in the same year found itself on the short list for the Ingeborg Bachmann Award.


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Binde zwei Vögel zusammen




Albrecht von Lucke was born in 1967 in Ingelheim am Rhein. He studied law and political science in Würzburg and Berlin, where he lives since 1989. He is editor of the Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik and otherwise works for the radio, contributing political comments or participating at discussions (ARD-Presseclub, for instance). In 2008, 68 oder neues Biedermeier: Der Kampf um die Deutungsmacht was published, and in 2009 Die gefährdete Republik: Von Bonn nach Berlin 1949 - 1989 - 2009, both books at Wagenbach. In 2014, von Lucke received the advancement award of the Lessing Award for criticism, nominated by Hans-Ulrich Wehler.






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